iHunt Treasure

4.6 ( 8356 ratings )
Gry Rozrywka Przygoda Planszowe
Desenvolvedor: Taoviet.vn
0.99 USD

How fast do you think your land lubber hands can dig coins out of the sand? Arr, matey, me thinks not as fast as blackbeard otherwise shiver me timbers! Time to dig up some buried treasure and hoist out your treasure hunter skills.

Introducing Treasure Dig, the fun and addictive game featuring 50 levels of pirate treasure hunter swag. Each level has gold coins buried in the sand, your objective is to dig them up racing the clock or else ye walk the plank after ye treasure hunt. Think its too easy? Consider this: With each level, the number of hidden gold coins gets larger and the time limit gets shorter. Lets just say matey, if you can beat the 50th level, even Jolly Roger has nothing on you and youll get the special Treasure Dig secret message only winners get.

Bonus Strategy
Plus, spread throughout the game are bonus Bermuda Triangle levels where you have one gold coin hidden just under the surface, and only 3 digs to do. Are you feeling lucky?

Special Themed Levels
As if that wasnt enough, every 10th level features a special theme, from piratepedia where you pirate ye wiki articles to my personal favorite, iPirate. Forget digging coins, start digging up the real treasure!

Added Bonus: Unlock special background themes to add to the adventure full of pirate voices encouraging you on lubber.

Automatically Saves Your Progress
Challenge the digging action whenever you have time. After you complete each fast paced level, the gameplay automatically saves your progress. And dont worry about your gameplay getting overwritten if a jolly pirate friend of yours starts a new game, only the highest level is saved, never overwritten by an earlier level. So go ahead, lend your game out, if your buccaneer friends do the work for you, tell em to walk the plank.

Game Play Secret: Get a Friend Involved!
So, do you think youve got the fastest fingers on the seven seas? I bet me barnacles you dont even know the secret. Get one of your pirate mates to join the gameplay with you and dig up twice the amount of treasure. Lets just say thats our parley of a little secret eh? Arr, now Im off to go feed my parrot. Smartly, me lass, go dig up me lost treasure. Polly, want a cracker?

Aye, one last thing, lass: If you havent discovered yet, you can dig a hole up to 14 times. So get ye fingers tapping sea dog and find ye buried treasure the addictive and fun pirate way!